
Showing posts from July, 2021

How Good is Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Dietary fats are a hot topic of discussion these days. Whether we talk about animal fats, seed oils, saturated and unsaturated fats, omega 3 and so on, most people agree that organic extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest edible fats. A cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, EVOO has been gaining popularity in recent years and is now widely used because of its health benefits. The different grades of olive oil With so many options available on supermarket shelves, it’s very hard to tell which olive oil is better. Ignore those labeled as “pure olive oil” or “light olive oil”: despite the charming power of the words pure and light, these olive oils are very low quality. If you want to make the most of olive oil’s health benefits, go for organic extra virgin olive oil. For two reasons. First of all, extra virgin is the only grade of olive oil you want to consider as it is the only one extracted mechanically and not processed chemically. Second, the organic certification guarante